La guía más grande Para inflación en LatinoAmerica

La marcha fue convocada por los movimientos de centro y derecha que en 2016 movilizaron a millones de personas para pedir la comprensión de un litigio político contra Dilma Rousseff.

El autor de la mortandad de Parkland se declaró culpable por los 17 asesinatos en la escuela y pidió perdón: “Me provoca pesadillas”

Napoleon's invasion of the Iberian peninsula in 1807-1808 was a major change in the world order, with the stability of both the metropoles and their overseas possessions upended. It resulted in the flight, with British aid, of the Portuguese royal court to Brazil, its richest colony. In Spain, France forced abdication of the Spanish Bourbon monarchs and their replacement with Napoleon's brother Joseph Bonaparte Figura king. The period 1808 until the restoration in 1814 of the Bourbon monarchy was when new political experiments were undertaken. In Spanish America, the question of the legitimacy of the new foreign monarch's right to rule set off fierce debates and actions leading in many regions to wars of independence.

"Sin ver la fuego del día": rescatan a un Corro de paraguayos que trabajaban en condiciones casi de esclavitud en Brasil

According to the United Nations ECLAC, Latin America is the most unequal region in the world.[155] Inequality in Latin America has deep historical roots in the Latin European racially based Casta system[156][157][158][159][160][161][162] instituted in Latin America in colonial times that have been difficult to eradicate since the differences between initial endowments and opportunities among social groups have constrained the poorest's social mobility, thus making poverty to be transmitted from generation to generation, becoming a vicious cycle. High inequality is rooted in the deepest exclusionary institutions of the Casta system[163][164][165] that have been perpetuated ever since colonial times and that have survived different political and economic regimes. Inequality has been reproduced and transmitted through generations because Latin American political systems allow a differentiated access on the influence that social groups have in the decision making process, and it responds in different ways to the least favored groups that have less political representation and capacity of pressure.

En tanto, el cobre rebotaba el martes conveniente a la preocupación por los suministros del principal productor del metal, Chile, mientras que la inquietud por la demanda de China atenuaba el optimismo por la subida de los precios.

Pope Alexander VI in 1493 had bestowed on Catholic Monarchs great power over ecclesiastical appointments and functioning of the church its overseas possessions, the monarch was the patron of institutional church. The state and the Catholic church were the institutional pillars of Spanish colonial rule. In the late eighteenth century, the crown also established a royal military to defend its possessions against foreign incursions, especially by the British. It also increased the number of viceroyalties in Spanish South America.

La conferencia anual de la CAF debate sobre los principales desafíos y cicatrices de América Latina pospandemia

This politico-economical initiative was institutionalized in North America by 1994 NAFTA, and elsewhere in the Americas through a series of like agreements.

25 dollars a day, life expectancy, murder rates and a measurement of safety through the General Peace Index. Green cells indicate the best performance in each category while red indicates the lowest. Social and economic indicators for Latin American countries

La cantante británica se enfrenta a una batalla legal por los derechos de una canción mientras prepara el lanzamiento de su cuarto disco. click para más info En 2012, Rod Stewart admitió públicamente un plagio

Roll-on/roll-off ships, such Vencedor this one pictured here at Miraflores locks, are among the largest ships to pass through the Panama Canal. The canal cuts across the Isthmus of Panama and is a key conduit for international maritime trade.

PSG en vilo por Icardi: la reacción del club tras el cuarto día de crisis en la vida del delantero

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